Large gorgeous example, slipped white to base (a Martina favored style) with rich reds and blacks; warm, silky, stone polish surface with rich patina and expertly painted designs. The form of the jar closely resembles the jar in figure 13 of Jonathan Batkin’s classic 1987 article in American Indian Art Magazine. Distinctive Florentino design features include: 1. the wide black band separating the neck design field from the mid-body design; 2. The the 4 leaf clover-like form inside the alternating black and red triangles and 3. the flowing and curving feather like forms toward the bottom. I owned this jar in the 1990’s in while living in Tesuque. It has been in the same collection ever since and I recently and happily re-acquired it. This is a singularly beautiful jar.  Condition: excellent with one small very old rim chip, itself patinated over from age