• Santa Ana (or Zia) Polychrome Jar with Eiffel Tower Variation or Kiva Steps Design, dated 1928 in pencil $700
  • Zia Four-Color Large Jar with 44 All Different Birds (plus Two Baby Birds) by Marcellus and Elizabeth Medina $3600
  • Zia Polychrome Very Large Canteen, c. 1925 $2850
  • Zia Big Bellied Large Polychrome Canteen by Vivianita Shije, 1938 $2750
  • Zia Polychrome Water Jar with Three Birds, c. 1930 $3500
  • Zia Large Polychrome Canteen with Deep Red Bird, c. 1930’s $1650
  • Zia Polychrome Water Jar with Double Rainbow Bands and Birds, Possibly by Trinidad Medina or Lucinda Schije, c. 1920 $7500
  • Zia Polychrome Jar with Lightning, Clouds and Rain in the Mountains Design, c. 1900 $6500