This is a warm and wonderful storyteller by 83 year old Felicita Eustace. There are 10 very happy boy and girl babies some holding drums, others pottery. The mother is adorned with a squash blossom necklace and the children squirmy and raucous, while often appearing to organically emerge from the mother’s body (see the last close-up photo). There is a haphazard quality to the babies; they seem to be everywhere and a bit out of control; all this joyous mayhem happily tolerated by the calm singing mother who is the picture of patience.
With the white Cochiti slip now in very short supply, this piece created in March of 2010 appears to be one of Felicita’s first using one of the new slips, possibly from Zuni.
The piece stands 6″ tall and is in excellent original condition.