This lovely 6 figure Nativity set by Cochiti potter Seferina Ortiz probably dates to the 1970’s or early 1980’s.  Seferina was a prolific master of traditional figurative pottery.  She grew up watching her family create figures.  Her great aunt was making animal and bird effigies early in the 20th century and her Laurencita was was making human figures “…decades before the storyteller” (see Barbara Babcock, p. 34).  She was a master of many animal forms, frquently including Cochiti pottery designs in her creations.  Her nativity scenes are rare and prized by collectors.

There is so much notable about this set: the quiet prayerful dignity of the bears, their lovely form and consistent rich paint, the details in the pottery that is being offered, etc.  Each of the larger figures is roughly 5″ tall and 4 1/2″ measured from their kneeling feet.  Baby Jesus is 31/2″ long.

Condition is excellent, original, and unrestored.